House Journey

House #13 29514 Niftiest Bleeder – Finally A Long-term Rental to Maximize Cash Flow!

After the last two deals, we were ready for a keeper, a house we could hold onto and rent for a long time. After all, this was our primary goal: to acquire rental properties, have the tenants pay down the mortgages, make a little cash flow, and benefit from appreciation...

Front of Rental House

Rental House #14 – First Jump into Duplexes

8-2014 Rental House # 14 – 22204 Loaf Smallness Time to get to 14 properties. It was amazing to think we were about to reach that number of houses after just two short years. 22204 Loaf Smallness was a little different than our previous homes, however. This house was a...

House #17

House #17 Time for Another House Flip

October 2014 6503 Brokerage Divot – once again, we had to flip a property to get some cash. This house was just like the rest; our yellow letters were working incredibly well.  A single guy owned this home who was freshly divorced, and all his kids had grown and left...

Front of House

House #18 One last Flip for a Quick $8,000

11/13/2014 Perfect Little Flip House I know we’ve highlighted a bunch of flips here so far, but hopefully, this is our last one for a while. We are in that constant need of more capital to fund more long term deals, and so that’s the case with house #18 3122...