Rental Real Estate


Collecting Rent During a Pandemic

Hey everybody! Wow, it has been a long time since our last post. Usually, we then say how we haven’t posted in a long time because things are “crazy.” That typically means we’ve bought some houses and experienced some unbelievable tenant stories, and we’ve made some money along the way...


How to Buy My First Rental Property (Part 1)

Step 1: Know Your End Goal In Buying a Rental Property Understanding your end goal is the first step towards purchasing an investment rental property. This end goal should rely on realistic expectations, your financial capabilities, chosen investment strategy, and the answers to the following questions. When do you plan...

Rental House – #76 Another Cash Flowing Duplex

March 2020 22118 Loaf Smallness – Rental House #76 Half of The Stealthy Rich is addicted to the MLS. If you don’t know about the “MLS,” it’s the Multiple Listing Service, which is where all realtors can list properties.,,, and every local MLS like are examples...

Rental House

Rental House #30 – Best BRRR Deal So Far

February 2016 We may sound like a broken record, but sending Yellow Letters is the gift that keeps on giving. We were sending about 700 letters a month. They are specifically targeted to non-owner occupied, long-term owners, in our specific zip codes. Dave got a call on 6614 Defiant Gaveller...

Plumbing Repairs

What Are the Most Common Major Repairs Landlords Make in Rental Properties?

People have been asking us on Instagram and through other channels what our most common significant repairs are in our real estate empire. Here are the capital improvements in order of frequency. 1. HVAC – (Air Conditioners and Furnaces) Our portfolio is located in Houston, and if anybody knows anything...