Rental House #30 – Best BRRR Deal So Far

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4 Responses

  1. Jon says:

    I have one SFR and have recently partnered with a guy to hopefully BRRRR a bunch of properties. We had considered doing a mailing campaign but with full time jobs and being ~45 minutes from our target market, that feels very unsustainable. We have decided to just look at the MLS and work with wholesalers for the time being, but I continually second guess that decision.

    I’m guessing this is yalls full time gig at this point, but do you have any advice on how to proceed for our scenario? We want to move faster but like everyone else, it’s hard finding deals in this market..

  2. Bryan Wegman says:

    Whats the best way to get the list of non owner occupied, long term owners in your zip codes?

    • Stealthy Rich says:

      We use our local realist source which is available to realtors, but you can also use to buy a list as well… IF you are really brave you can figure out how to scrape the county website and compare addresses with mailing address. If they are different you can assume they are non owner occupied. great question.