Tagged: Cashflow


How to Buy My First Rental Property (Part 1)

Step 1: Know Your End Goal In Buying a Rental Property Understanding your end goal is the first step towards purchasing an investment rental property. This end goal should rely on realistic expectations, your financial capabilities, chosen investment strategy, and the answers to the following questions. When do you plan...

Rental House

House #21 Another Buy and Hold Rental Gem

March 6, 2015 House #21 23115 Caloric Censor – Buy And Hold Yet Again! This time around, we found 23115 Caloric Censor through a wholesaler. We have gotten on the email list of many of these guys. 98% of their deals are garbage, way overpriced inflated ARV values, but sometimes...

House #13 29514 Niftiest Bleeder – Finally A Long-term Rental to Maximize Cash Flow!

After the last two deals, we were ready for a keeper, a house we could hold onto and rent for a long time. After all, this was our primary goal: to acquire rental properties, have the tenants pay down the mortgages, make a little cash flow, and benefit from appreciation...