Tagged: FIRE

Every Decision You Make is a Gift to Your Future Self

Imagine having the ability to go back in time knowing what you know now. You’re in luck. You don’t have to… The decisions we make today, no matter how small they feel, are gifts to our future self. The real question is whether you are giving yourself the kinds of...

300 -Think Twice About How Much Money You Need to Retire $$$

Using 300 to See How Much Retirement is Going to Cost Remember the movie 300? I watched it recently to refresh my memory and in it, King Leonidas uses his incredibly strong and skillful army of 300 warriors to slice through Persian armies until he reaches the king and ultimately...

Zero to 50 Rental Houses in 5 Years…

The day I decided I was going to get rich was March 8th, 2013. I remember it was a Friday, and I was meeting some friends for lunch. We always went to this restaurant during Lent, because they sold fish tacos half price. After we pounded down some grub, we...