Tagged: Net Worth

Why track Net Worth?

As we go through this life, there are so many distractions. It’s so easy to get sidetracked from the things we “should” be doing or even maybe more directly what we REALLY want to be doing. We see it time and time again, friends want to start a business or...

Net Worth Update 2013-2014

What is our most signficant financial metric we track? Net Worth What is Net Worth? Your net worth is everything you own (your assets) minus what your debts (your liabilities). Assets include cash, investments, your home and other real estate, automobiles, or anything else of value you own. Liabilities are...

Front of Rental House

Rental House #14 – First Jump into Duplexes

8-2014 Rental House # 14 – 22204 Loaf Smallness Time to get to 14 properties. It was amazing to think we were about to reach that number of houses after just two short years. 22204 Loaf Smallness was a little different than our previous homes, however. This house was a...


House #6 – 4536 Avid Beet Kruger – A Painful Lesson with rental property

November 2013 Buying Rental Houses My partner and I were now getting good at buying houses, especially from these yellow letter lists from which we had been sending letters. Our problem now was having enough capital to close deals. We started getting friends to loan us money for the short...

Zero to 50 Rental Houses in 5 Years…

The day I decided I was going to get rich was March 8th, 2013. I remember it was a Friday, and I was meeting some friends for lunch. We always went to this restaurant during Lent, because they sold fish tacos half price. After we pounded down some grub, we...